
industry thoughts from Clarteza

01 September
Mag Retelewski

9 Strategies to Fuel Creativity

One of the most persistent myths we encounter is the belief that creativity that fuels innovation, is an innate gift, a magical spark reserved for the select few. At Clarteza, we vehemently debunk this myth. Creativity is not a divine bestowment; it’s a skill, and often, a collaborative one.Breaking the Myth:The outdated notion of the lone genius stumbling upon inspiration is dismantled within our creative process. We recognize that creativity thrives in a supportive environment where judgment is left at the door. Here, every idea, no matter how seemingly absurd, is valued as a potential seed for … Continue Reading

29 January
Mag Retelewski

A Positive Open Mind: The Key to Innovation and Growth

“The hallmark of an open mind is separating your ideas from your identity.If you define yourself by your opinions, questioning them is a threat to your integrity. If you see yourself as a curious person or a lifelong learner, changing your mind is a moment of growth” – Adam GrantHaving an open mind is essential for innovation. This openness, coupled with a positive outlook, enhances your ability to perceive and observe a broader range of ideas and phenomena. It involves welcoming contrasting viewpoints and nurturing a curiosity that is strong enough to potentially change your perspective.The Broaden-and-Build theory … Continue Reading

03 November
Mag Retelewski

Fairness Matters. Especially if it Defines Your Business.

Oxford Dictionary definition of fairness is: “An impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination.” To me, it means everyone has the same opportunity to succeed and be treated equally.

This doesn’t mean that everyone gets what they want, it merely suggests that everyone has the same chance of reaching their goal. The individual performance will dictate whether they would succeed or not, if treated fairly.

In the last few years Clarteza has been involved in evaluating the role of dance in … Continue Reading

04 May
Mag Retelewski

Why New Product Ideas Often Do Not Succeed

My team works with incredible clients and on some amazing projects. We are privileged to be able to look for interesting insights and connect them through different cultures. We get to learn about people’s needs and behaviors, so we can help our clients come up with great solutions or products. It’s exhilarating!

Over the years, however, I have observed the curse of three consistent issues: “marginal thinking”, “sunk cost” and “conformity” which, as trifecta, can stifle innovation and overwhelm any good decision-making process.

Let me demonstrate what I mean. Coming up with a new … Continue Reading

02 January
Mag Retelewski

Get Inspired at the Start of the New Year!

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When we get inspired, we create. When we are relaxed, we are more creative. Here are some of my time-tested activities that have worked for me:

  • Expand your interests. Go to a library or a store and pick up a book or publication from an industry or genre that you would not normally explore. Even though random reading material may not seem relevant at first, I promise you if you give it a chance you’ll learn something you’ll be able to apply to your … Continue Reading

07 September
Mag Retelewski and Katy Gajewicz

Three Key Principles Innovation Marketers Can Take from the Design World

What do a phone, a car service, and a vacuum cleaner have in common? The best innovators in these categories applied design thinking principles to create success stories.


Apple, Uber and Dyson are not alone; numerous companies have applied design thinking principles and processes to new product or service innovation – some with considerable success, others… not so much. At Clarteza we’ve been involved in a number of design-led innovation projects in the consumer packaged goods industry and have observed several key success elements that can be borrowed from design … Continue Reading

10 February
Katy Gajewicz

How to Get a Read On Your New Product Idea, Or At Least a Second Date

The big idea:  It’s out there, and you want to be the one who discovers it, markets it, and profits from it.  Right or wrong, there is no shortage of approaches to uncovering the big idea, from trend analyses, to focus groups, to epiphanies in the middle of the night.  But how do you know when you’ve found it?  How do you uncover the diamond in the rough from the laundry list of ideas that come out of any well-meaning brainstorming effort?

Your gut is certainly a good start, and there are situations (and corporations) that call for avoiding conventional consumer … Continue Reading