
industry thoughts from Clarteza

01 September
Mag Retelewski

9 Strategies to Fuel Creativity

One of the most persistent myths we encounter is the belief that creativity that fuels innovation, is an innate gift, a magical spark reserved for the select few. At Clarteza, we vehemently debunk this myth. Creativity is not a divine bestowment; it’s a skill, and often, a collaborative one.Breaking the Myth:The outdated notion of the lone genius stumbling upon inspiration is dismantled within our creative process. We recognize that creativity thrives in a supportive environment where judgment is left at the door. Here, every idea, no matter how seemingly absurd, is valued as a potential seed for … Continue Reading

29 January
Mag Retelewski

A Positive Open Mind: The Key to Innovation and Growth

“The hallmark of an open mind is separating your ideas from your identity.If you define yourself by your opinions, questioning them is a threat to your integrity. If you see yourself as a curious person or a lifelong learner, changing your mind is a moment of growth” – Adam GrantHaving an open mind is essential for innovation. This openness, coupled with a positive outlook, enhances your ability to perceive and observe a broader range of ideas and phenomena. It involves welcoming contrasting viewpoints and nurturing a curiosity that is strong enough to potentially change your perspective.The Broaden-and-Build theory … Continue Reading

16 January
Mag Retelewski

My Entrepreneurial Journey

As an eight-year-old I was collecting postcards, stamps, highlighters, sharpeners, gum and chocolate wrappers. I loved collecting, curating my treasures and then trading them or selling them. I got good at it and my collection grew. Then, I wanted to own a bookstore and sell books as I loved reading. I thought I could have a section for my collectibles as well. Well, that idea never materialized, as overtime my priorities changed.

I was involved in my parents business. By the tender … Continue Reading

07 September
Mag Retelewski and Katy Gajewicz

Three Key Principles Innovation Marketers Can Take from the Design World

What do a phone, a car service, and a vacuum cleaner have in common? The best innovators in these categories applied design thinking principles to create success stories.


Apple, Uber and Dyson are not alone; numerous companies have applied design thinking principles and processes to new product or service innovation – some with considerable success, others… not so much. At Clarteza we’ve been involved in a number of design-led innovation projects in the consumer packaged goods industry and have observed several key success elements that can be borrowed from design … Continue Reading

13 June
Mag Retelewski

Clarteza: Behind the scenes.

I love Marcel Proust’s quote: “The Voyage of Discovery Consists not in Seeking New Landscapes but in Having New Eyes”. It describes the way we look at business issues.

What we do:

Our team focuses on finding innovative solutions to meet clients’ marketing and business needs. In our work we apply design thinking and we recognize that creativity is a collaborative skill. We function as a think tank of highly specialized experts to evaluate the business issue and create custom tailored solutions. Our lenses allow us to see issues from variety of different angles and, as such, we can better “connect the … Continue Reading

14 December
Mag Retelewski

The Creative Myth


Perhaps one of the more damaging myths we live by is the one that claims that creativity is a gift. You either have it or you don’t, many believe. Some are born with some kind of special talent bestowed on them, they say, or, poor souls, they must lumber in the regular, plain world with the rest of us.

This myth must be busted.

At Clarteza, we know that creativity is not some magic manna from above – it is a skill, and a collaborative one at that. We have to do away with the … Continue Reading

16 November
Mag Retelewski

How Design Thinking Enriches Our Process

At Clarteza, we are proud of the consistently creative and unique solutions we offer our clients. Part of our success lies in our process: We apply design thinking and team collaboration, building great solutions through small, iterative steps.

Design thinking is a method that allows a creative and adaptive process to discover the best solution. Our team have been proponents of this approach for several years, applying it in many different facets of our work. Because design thinking is integral to our process, we get the best solutions without losing time, money, or patience.

What is key in our approach is that … Continue Reading