
industry thoughts from Clarteza

16 September
Mag Retelewski

The Art and Science of Finding Humanity with AI

When working on different innovation projects, we are constantly seeking insights into human behavior—particularly the motivations behind it. Understanding what drives people is key to unlocking meaningful innovation. Through AI, specifically Natural Language Processing (NLP), we can dig deeper into the stories and emotions that shape behavior, revealing powerful human truths often hidden beneath the surface.We’ve been using AI tools for years to uncover insights for innovation, particularly when it comes to analyzing open text. In fact, we’ve developed a process to help us capture elusive insights. We insist on this approach because it helps us uncover answers … Continue Reading

06 January
Mag Retelewski

Where are we going in 2014?

This is one of my favorites: You look at the billboard and the boy is saying “Look!” then he stands up and shows an actual airplane in the sky flying over. Then you learn the actual flight number of that aircraft and its destination. Pretty cool, right?

Another amazing interactive advertising with augmented reality. As you can see the excitement is palatable!

A retail giant also found an interesting way of engaging people and creating the buzz. Take a look:

Oh and this one: “Drag him away”. A great awareness creation campaign for an important cause: “Don’t just stand there, … Continue Reading

28 January
Mag Retelewski

From Gray to Clear: Putting the Pieces Together

In our recent post on qual vs. quant research, we touched on one of the critical issues facing market researchers today, the question of how we use, store and re-use data we obtain from the investments we make in research and information.  The amount of data available to us continues to grow in magnitude and scope.  We have qual data, quant data, syndicated data, social media data, competitive intelligence data, all coming at us all the time in … Continue Reading

30 November
Mag Retelewski

William Shakespeare’s Take on Data & Time Management

“Why Then Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing?” – Shakespeare

These days, it feels like the discourse between the Marketer and the Consumer has become something like a Shakespearean sonnet on steroids:  No longer is the Consumer being poetically wooed in a 60 second commercial, She is being craftily urged with texts, video billboards and in-store TV offers each shorter than an iambic tetrameter for “brevity is the soul of wit” says Shakespeare.  Despite all the attention, nay, the beloved Consumer seems rather disinterested as She has to manage Her smart phone, home phone, blog, email, Facebook page, … Continue Reading

30 October
Katy Gajewicz and Mag Retelewski

Shopper Insights – Raising the Stakes on What it Takes to Win

The term “re-frame” has never been more appropriate than in marketing today.

It is apparent that a massive paradigm shift in the way marketers approach their marketing and communication plans is well underway (for those who haven’t previously embraced it).  For years now, front-loaded plans where the bulk of thought and resources are spent influencing the consumer well before she sets foot in a store have been giving way to a more holistic approach where the integration and synergy of brand messaging across multiple consumer touch-points is not only important, but essential.  But more recently, the key player in the game … Continue Reading

24 September
Mag Retelewski

2012 Cannes Lions Creativity Conference: A Lesson In “Keeping It Real”

This year’s Cannes Creativity Conference was the busiest ever: 11,000 delegates from around the world overflowing the halls of the auditorium, theaters and award shows, with everyone eager to learn and network.

For those not as familiar with this event, the Cannes Creativity Conference is the crème de la crème of advertising conferences. The most aspiring, entrepreneurial, deserving, over-achieving, bright and talented people attend. Everyone learns from each other, relationships are built, and great speakers and coaches share their knowledge and wisdom. And of course, there are celebrities and former heads of state –the most notable presentation this year was given … Continue Reading

02 February
Mag Retelewski

From Gray to Clear: The User Generated Content and Navigating Social Media

As marketers increase the ad spend on social network marketing and encourage marketing departments to spend more time on engaging and interacting with the consumer, it is becoming more essential to understand how new marketing channels fit within the customer experience ecosystem for the brand.  Let’s start by clearing up some of the buzz around user-generated and social media.  

Gray: “User-generated content means I’m losing control of my brand.”

It’s true that brands and companies no longer have direct control over each piece of information swimming around in cyberspace, making many marketers and executives cringe at the prospects … Continue Reading